Singing the Praise of Sprint Triathlons

I don’t think it’s an understatement to say that the majority of triathletes start out in the sport by doing either a sprint triathlon or as part of a relay team. Once the hook has been set, most continue to add distance and time to their training, moving up to longer and even longer distance…

The Streak Continues, 25 Years and Counting

Back in the summer of 1989 the only connection I had to triathlon was maybe something I read in Sports Illustrated or saw during the limited coverage of this crazy event held in Hawaii called Ironman. I swam for fun on hot summer days in the ocean, commuted to work on my bicycle with an…

Doing the Double, Two Days, Two Tris

Most people will say that racing a triathlon is tough enough to do and never consider getting up the next morning and doing another race, albeit a shorter one. They wonder why anyone would even consider it? The simple answer, because they can, and because the Race Director (RD) offered it. As races and race weekends have…

Taking Time Off

Everyone should have a life outside training for and racing triathlons, yet at times it feels that we exist only to do just that. We sleep, eat, train, and rest, over and over, throwing in some work, house chores, significant other face time when we can. We need to remember that triathlon is best addressed…

Let the Triathlon Season Begin!

The first weekend in May for me has always been the true start of the triathlon season. Yes I know that many races have already been run all over the country (and down in the southern hemisphere), but you’ll have to excuse me for being a little west coast centric, having lived here for 35+…

Trying Out a New Theme

As much as I liked the colors and contrast of the old theme I was using on this blog, I like the look of this one better for one reason, the ability to have more than just one topic with it’s complete story visible. Before you’d have to actively search through the blog for other…

Who Inspires You?

At some point every January a day goes by and suddenly I realize that another year has passed since my good friend Steve Issaris passed away this month back in 2003. At some point in your life as you get older, people start to leave you. Your grandparents, great Aunt, etc., but you hope that…

2013 By The Numbers

I look back on the past year and I see my life in transition, having been diagnosed with a heart arrhythmia in July 2012, I have spent a lot of time since then trying to resolve this issue. Changes in my job required major changes to my life and my workout schedule, while working around…